Meet Our Church Staff
Welcome! I am glad you are here!
When asked to describe myself I often reply that I am “chronically Lutheran.” I was baptized a Lutheran and Lutheran I have remained. I love being a Lutheran pastor as I get to share God’s forgiveness, grace, mercy, and love for all, lavishly and with abundance!
Jesus came to show us God’s love in the flesh and to welcome everyone into God’s embrace. What a gift to be able to share that news over and over! One of my guiding principles is that following Jesus should be fun. While we are called to service to each other, our community, and the world, this service does not have to be laborious or a grind. I think we are called to reach out with laughter and joy! And while there are times when we are called to reach out with empathy and care, we can still bring hope and comfort with us.
I am a second career pastor, having worked with people with disabilities for 17 years prior to entering Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. It is from that first career that I learned that sometimes laughter is the best you can do. I also learned the value of just being present with people. Sometimes I am not called to fix a situation but just walk through the situation with another bringing support, comfort, and care.
My vision for West Middleton is that we are a group of followers of Jesus that look up and look out. We look up from the statistics that often reflect scarcity to see a world with an abundance of possibilities. And we look out, at each other, our community, and the world reaching out in service, offering ourselves and the message of a God of love.
I am the mother of two adult sons. I spent many years watching them play various sports: football, basketball, and baseball. Football carried into college for both of them. I enjoyed those times and being their mother on the sidelines. I thought those days were done when my youngest graduated from college. Wrong! They have found another sport that they invite me to watch them play: rugby. While I know nothing about this sport, I am learning and I love it once again on the sidelines, watching them do their best.
Again, let me say Welcome and I am glad you are here! Please know my door is always open!
-Pastor Connie